Far from being just one of the “good veterinary colleges” in Canada, Ontario Veterinary College is leading the way in techniques, education, and a holistic approach to veterinary care that is helping to improve the lives of both animals and the people who need and love them. Here are just a few of the things going on at OVC.
Both the Ontario Veterinary College and the Ontario Agricultural College have received substantial endowments to create permanent faculty positions in the field of dairy health, to further research and development into new treatments and benchmarks for the safety and welfare of Ontario dairy herds. The grant was a gift from the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, distributed through the BetterPlanet Project, a multimillion dollar campaign to raise fund for health and food research at the University of Guelph.
A professor emeritus from Ontario Veterinary College has published a book on the cultural, ecological, and evolutionary importance of feces. You heard correctly. Professor David Waltner Toews has written “The Origin of Feces. What Excrement Tells Us About Evolution, Ecology and a Sustainable Society”, to great critical success.
On June 3rd students and faculty alike were treated to a lecture by Dr. Satish Kumar Gupta, director of the National Institute of Immunology in India, on “Contraceptive vaccines for population management of humans and animals”. The lecture was a great success, and hopefully the first of many in partnership with the NII of India.
Ontario Veterinary College continues to serve as a shining example of education ideals, combining the best of veterinary technology colleges, veterinary assistant colleges, as well as standard doctoral preparation for future veterinarians from around the world. The health and well being of Canadian animals and owners have never been in better hands.
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