Vets Answering Your Questions About Pet Boarding


Every dog is different and many of their behaviors are common to their breed. Whether they are male or female can also make a difference in how they act. A vet answers common questions about dog behavior. Deciding If a Pup Has a Behavioral Issue If it is suspected that a canine has certain traits […]

Ten Gifts Your Senior Pet Sitters Cant Buy


Whether it’s the holiday season or you simply want to thank your senior pet sitters for their help throughout the year, there are some gifts that are great choices since they can’t usually purchase these items on their own. If your senior pet sitters are family members who live in your home, doing some things […]

What Goes Into Hosting an Outdoor Dog Adoption Event?


Hosting an outdoor dog adoption event requires a lot of planning. It’s a beautiful idea and a great way to bring together adopters, shelters, and rescue organizations. If you’ve never attended such an event, watch the YouTube video “Pet-Friendly Services of Indiana hosts “Tails & Ales” adoption event.” It’s a news clip about a local […]

Is Wood Shavings for Horse Stalls the Best Option?


Horse owners and caretakers have a lot to consider when it comes to their animal’s living conditions, including the type of bedding used in their stalls. One option that has been popular for many years is wood shavings for horse stalls, but is it the best choice? Wood shavings have long been popular for horse […]

What Do I Need to Know About Dog Boarding?


Going on vacation with a pet is difficult. Some hotels aren’t pet-friendly. Your pet might feel threatened by a lot of people. Dog boarding is the sensible choice, but what should you know about it? Dr. Kovacs of the Drake Center says the dog’s age and temperament are important: does he play well with others, […]

How to Acclimate Cats to a New Home


If you’ve just brought home a new kitten or cat, then congratulations! You’re in for a lot of love and companionship. However, your new pet may feel a little bit overwhelmed — after all, they’ve just left their familiar surroundings and is now in a completely new environment. Don’t worry — we’re here to help […]

What is Grain Free Dog Food?


If you notice that your dog is sluggish or generally not feeling well, then you might want to try a grain free dog food option. Keep reading to learn about these food options and why you might choose them. If your dog has a grain allergy, this is the first time to try a grain-free […]

Preventing Trips to the Emergency Pet Hospital


It’s safe to assume that all pet owners would like to avoid a trip to an emergency pet hospital. Some health issues are unavoidable, but there are signs to look out for. In this article, we are going to look at when you should go to the emergency pet hospital. Video Source The first thing […]