When Was the Last Time You Had to Take Your Dog to the Vet?


The latest update from the vet indicates that your family’s best friend Duke is going back to surgery. Your sweet Duke is at the vet’s after he woke up feeling yucky this morning and whining. After noticing he was struggling to potty, you took him in. The vet determined that Duke ate something he should […]

Taking Excellent Care of Your First Pet


Whether you live in a pet friendly apartment or you own your home, it’s important to make sure you understand the kind of maintenance that needs to take place as you prepare to adopt your first pet. And there are plenty of pet owners who may need guidance; every year, an estimated 3.2 million shelter […]

The Benefits of Emotional Support Animals for Anxiety


Anxiety can be a nearly impossible mental illness to deal with on your own. It can immobilize you and stop you from doing the things you love. Whether you have social anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder, it can negatively impact your life in a long list of ways. There are plenty of medications, natural […]

How to Care for a Dog’s Damaged Dewclaw


Regardless of what pet owners are dealing with, most will always set aside funds to care for their pets. Even during the most recent recession, Forbes Magazine reports that 92% of pet owners spent the same or more amounts of money on their beloved animals. New pet owners learn that their new puppies will need […]

Best Practices for ESA Dog Training


There is often confusion as to the difference between an emotional support animal (ESA) and a service animal. However, the difference between the two is very distinct. While a service animal is trained to perform specific tasks for their human owners, an emotional support animal is licensed to provide health benefits to individuals that may […]

Here’s Why You Need to Choose an Animal Pet Clinic Ahead of Time


Has your pet ever ingested something they definitely shouldn’t have eaten? Even the most alert pet owner will fail to be on the ball all the time. There will be times when our pets need to go to an animal care clinic, just as we need an urgent care clinic when an unexpected illness or […]

How to Treat Tendonitis in Your Elbow


Elbow tendonitis affects a wide range of people. You don’t have to play tennis in order to be affected by this condition. Common reasons for elbow tendonitis to occur include lifting, golfing, and excessive computer usage. Therefore, many people can be affected by tendonitis in the elbow. In this post, you’ll learn signs of elbow […]

4 Essential Pieces of Veterinary Lab Equipment


The time to look for a veterinary hospital in your area is not when you are facing an emergency and need urgent care for your furry family members. Having a place in mind when you need it can bring pet owners a great deal of peace and comfort. Knowing where to go in an emergency […]